Shownotes from the interview with Author Morgan Gauthier
B: Okay welcome to author talks I am a Bri, and I am here tonight with Morgan Gauthier author of Wolves of Adalore, and I am so excited that you were able to do this interview with me tonight.
M: Thank you so much for having me, I’m really excited to do this.
B: I have been so excited for this interview I’ve been like building it up for me so I’m super excited that you were able to do this tonight so we’re just going to jump right into the questions I have for you and the first one is what is something that the readers should know about you?
M: Oh, well I guess as far as personal I am a wife, I’m a mother of three they’re all under six and I’ve been writing since I was 11 years old. The trilogy that I have Wolves of Adalore, The Red Maiden, this is the special edition Omnibus because the third book and the Omnibus come out on Wednesday, that idea came to me when I was 14 so that is something that’s been like my baby project for most of my life so that’s me in a nutshell.
B: That’s so exciting um, what was your inspiration for Wolves of Adalore?
M: Um, so back back in the day when they filmed the Lord of the Rings right watching those movies it really sparked my love of fantasy and I started reading all kinds of books I’d go to the library with my mom all the time and read as much as I could, I would watch as many fantasies as I could, play all the fantasies games. And what I kind of started noticing is that most of the female characters weren’t super strong or tough didn’t like be that hero that I was looking for it was normally a man who saved the day, which is there’s nothing wrong with that I have a son and I hope he’s a hero, you know he’s gonna love those fantasy books about that you know the guy was swords and all that. But for me I as a teenage girl and a preteen I was looking for something that uh, I could relate to you so Wolves of Adalore was sparked and it has it deals with siblings you know brother and a sister and then an older sister who are you know the oldest sister is the villain the youngest sister and the younger brother they are very close and they’re trying to reclaim their home but I wanted to write something where there’s a female protagonist and antagonist so that’s kind of where the idea sparked for me.
B: That’s great, I definitely got Lord of the Ring vibes from reading it like I couldn’t put it down I had to finish. So, now I need the next two so I can find out what happens, so you definitely nailed the Lord of the Rings vibe and you kind of answered my next question which was what can readers expect from Wolves of Adalore?
M: Oh, sorry skipped ahead, well If you are into Lord of the Rings right and that kind of medieval fantasy world the quests, the adventure, the found family, and if you also are a fan of like Game of Thrones where there’s a lot of point of views. There’s a lot of intricate details and intersecting plotlines with a lot of characters. I call it the funnel effect so you start wide, with Wolves of Adalore your getting a lot point of views, you’re seeing what’s going on in the world with all the different characters, and as you go from book one to book two you get a little bit fewer points of views cause people are starting to meet up and team up and then with the third book you only have a couple points of views, and that’s when everybody’s together all the battles are happening and um the big epic conclusion rights so funnel effect. So, if you’re interested in books like that and you can keep track of characters, and different worlds, there is a map, there’s a character list to help you with all that in the books but that’s that’s the kind of reader this is a good trilogy for.
B: Okay, is there anything you can tell us about the end of maybe the last book without giving too much away?
M: Yeah, so like I said there’s a lot of battles I am type of writer that I like to have a little realism in my fantasy in the sense of when you have epic battles right there are losses. So, characters that you might have gotten attached to in book one and two you might not get much of them in book three because they don’t make it. Right, so I wanted it to have high stakes I wanted it to be a lot of tension in the third book of keeping you on the edge of your seat there is a lot more romance in book two and three. You meet the Pirates in book 2 and they continue on through book three so there’s a lot of there’s a lot of uh, adventure there’s a lot of magic and there is a lot of you know war and you know heartache and loss so be prepared to lose some of your Darlings.
B: Oh no, I get attached to my characters so when they like start dying off, I get so upset.
M: Oh I know, it was a hard one my husband found me several times writing the last book and I was just sitting on my computer crying and he’s like oh my God what’s going on and i was just like I had to just have to kill somebody off and some of them were very unexpected it happened in the moment and I was just like oh I didn’t plan for this but it made sense you know for the Integrity of the storyline and um, he just got used to watching me cry at the computer after that he was just like oh whatever she’s fine it’s just her book.
B: That’s funny, what is one piece of advice you would give to an inspiring writer?
M: Oh, so inspiring author I would tell you to write what you want to read right cause I mean just practically wise you’re going to be reading your story so many times right, when you’re writing it in the editing process, in the developmental process like you’re going to be reading your book quite a bit and if you don’t like your book it’s probably not going to sit well with readers. But if you love it you can you can see and feel that passion when you’re reading it so I would definitely write what you want to read in a book so if there’s something that when you read a book and you feel like oh, I think it would be really cool if this happened we’ll go ride it you know like go tell that story because it’s probably deep within you and that needs to be told so that’s my advice.
B: And then one of the other questions I have is there anything else that you would like to share with our audience about your book, or possibly about anything new that’s happening with you?
M: Sure, so like I said before the Raven and the Wolf the last book and the special edition omnibus this gal right here um, they are going to be coming out this Wednesday April 12th um, and I also have my new book that’s going to be coming out the brand new book of the brand new fantasy series it’s new adults it is fantasy romance and Adventure that one is called A Song of Shadow and Starlight it’s basically avatar The Last Airbender meets ACOTAR meets Dungeons and Dragons right so if you like those vibes with steam but no explicit spice right so I don’t I don’t put explicit sex in my books but there are steamy moments that lead up to there will be kissing, fade to black all that stuff so if you’re interested in that kind of fantasy book it’s up for pre-order and the official cover reveal is May 9th um, so yeah go order your copies. All of my books and eBook are in Kindle unlimited so you can go read them for free and uh, if you do like my books, I ask that you leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram all those places and tell your friends and family cause us indie authors word of mouth is our bread and butter so.
B: Oh, it definitely is, and I love hyping up everything you post I’m constantly sharing all of our Indie author stuff on my Instagram, my Twitter everything so definitely hype up our authors anybody you can see who’s an Indie author definitely hype them up because they do need it. Um, that was all I had for you tonight, so I want to say thank you again for coming on here and doing this interview with me
M: Oh, thank you so much for having me this was fun, and I look forward to yall’s thoughts on Wolves of Adalore
B: Thank you
M: Have a good night