Books 4 Movies

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(Books I've Read)

Discover My BIR Book List: A Chronicle of Literary Adventures for Books4Movies Enthusiasts!

Welcome to my BIR Book List, a testament to my lifelong literary journey, tailored for all Bookish souls and fans of Book Adaptations. This compilation spans the spectrum of books—from personal picks to library finds, classic reads, and online discoveries on platforms like Wattpad. While completing this list may seem like an ambitious goal, I’m dedicated to documenting my reading odyssey and sharing it with fellow enthusiasts. Join me as I navigate through the pages of captivating stories and embark on an adventure in the world of literature!

– Tia (Founder of Books4Movies)


This is a list of the classics.

Unquestionably, most of these books were required reading for school. Although I turned my nose up at being forced to read a book of someone else’s choosing, these are the novels that I actually read all the way through. No cheating involved!

With that being said, there are also many books that I didn’t read all the way though, even though they were “required”

 To any of my former teachers reading this post (especially college professors), please don’t take it personally. I just really don’t like being told what to do…


These are the books I read when I am in a loud or busy environment. They are relatively quick reads with addicting plots and characters. I have re-read many of these royalty-themed books because they are THAT good!!

I would love if the books by Tamora Pierce could be made into a TV Show. There are so many stories and characters that would really enrapture audiences of all ages and cultures. However, it might be hard to get right because of the multiple time frames and characters. Evidently, filmmakers should steer clear of adapting this series, unless they know they can do it right.


Let me preface this by saying that I classify “gods” and “Greek” under two different categories. “Gods and Angels” is more biblical.

This is where you’ll find references to fallen angels, Azriel and Lucifer, allusions to Adam and Eve, and more similar concepts. Now, this is not The Bible. These are books loosely inspired by its many stories and modern-day impact.


Margaret Atwood queen of dystopian stories. Her name and books will forever be considered classic. Additionally, George Orwell’s name will go down in history as a leading dystopian author.

Although Oryx and Crake was written by such an influential author who has produced “classics”, I’m not going to add it to my Classics section because she is still alive. I feel like the classic genre should be for books whose authors have left this world and moved on to another on.


This section is exceptionally small for one reason: I have a LONG list on paper that I have not yet typed up.

It is a VERY long list.

I had a small obsession with books based on folklore and fairytales for about 2 years in middle and high school. If I were to type all of them up at the same time, I would certainly give myself arthritis.


I’m fairly certain that the only Greek based books I’ve read are Percy Jackson, The Odyssey, and Oh.My.Gods. It’s generally a great genre, but it feels like there aren’t enough books in this category. If you have any recommendations for this category, I would love to hear them!

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This is about the extent of the Sci-Fi books that I have read. I don’t have forgotten books waiting to be added to the list.

I’m not going to lie, sci-fi is one of my least favorite genres. I’ve only read a few books from this category, and they were leaning more towards magic and fantasy. Space exploration and aliens aren’t my thing.


Fantasy is my FAVORITE genre. Of course, I highly enjoy others, but this category takes the cake!

The magical worlds with a bit of a historical era vibe are where I wish I could be. There’s no better way to escape reality than to read a book that has nothing to do with it.

I have MANY more books to add to this list and I might actually break my website if I try to add them all in at the same time.

I know I’m not the only one with a crazy obsession for fantasy. The worlds obsession with The Witcher, Marvel, and others clearly means that there is a strong desire for more fantasy books and films, especially adaptations!


Vampires, Werewolves, and things that go bump in the night. This genre is home to Twilight.

If you haven’t read my Twilight blogs yet, you really should. I talk all about the adaptations good and bad points and how the series made me into a book nerd.

Indeed, Twilight and the many paranormal books in the world created a whole generation of moody book lovers who would rather dream about being bitten than meeting Prince Charming.


Gotta love a good Witches, Wizards, and Magic story.

Similar to the fantasy genre, magical stories make for great adaptations! Want proof? Just look at Harry Potter. I’m sure J.K Rowling and the filmmakers didn’t realize just how influential magic and wands could be on the modern world.


It’s been really hard for me to find a great Pirate series. Most of the pirate stories I’ve read are stand-alone books, which is great for a quick read. At the same time, I prefer long and drawn-out adventures with romance and multiple villains and plot twists spread out across at least 3 books.



Generally, these books are quick reads that are easy to enjoy, no matter what mood you’re in.

Fun Fact: My go-to reads when I don’t know what to read or if I’m in a reading funk are Twilight and Disenchanted Princess. I can easily read Disenchanted Princess in a day. It’s a great and simple book to get me in the reading rhythm again.


Okay so some of these books aren’t just fiction, they really should be categorized into at least two genres. Instead of making the tough decision to pick a genre, I just threw them into this general category.

For example:

The mediator is paranormal AND romance. I couldn’t pick which one to label the series under, so I’m putting it under the umbrella of “fiction”.


To see a more thorough and longer BIR list, check out my Goodreads profile!