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KATH REVIEWS AURORA BURNING - The second installment of The Aurora Cycle series by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


The Aurora Cycle, by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


A review by Kath.  Part Two of Three. 


Overview: In my last review I talked in depth about the first book. Now, I am going to do the same about book number two: Aurora Burning


See my take on the summary, plot details, the good and bad parts. Plus, see details on the main characters and their relationships with one another. 


Our heroes are back… kind of. From the bestselling co-authors of the Illuminae Files comes the second book in the epic series about a squad of misfits, losers, and discipline cases who just might be the galaxy’s best hope for survival.


First, the bad news: an ancient evil—you know, your standard consume-all-life-in-the-galaxy deal—is about to be unleashed. The good news? Squad 312 is standing by to save the day. They’ve just got to take care of a few small distractions first.


Like the clan of gremps who’d like to rearrange their favorite faces.


And the cadre of illegit GIA agents with creepy flowers where their eyes used to be, who’ll stop at nothing to get their hands on Auri.


Then there’s Kal’s long-lost sister, who’s not exactly happy to see her baby brother, and has a Syldrathi army at her back. With half the known galaxy on their tails, Squad 312 has never felt so wanted.


When they learn the Hadfield has been found, it’s time to come out of hiding. Two centuries ago, the colony ship vanished, leaving Auri as its sole survivor. Now, its black box might be what saves them. But time is short, and if Auri can’t learn to master her powers as a Trigger, the squad and all their admirers are going to be deader than the Great Ultrasaur of Abraaxis IV.


Shocking revelations, bank heists, mysterious gifts, inappropriately tight bodysuits, and an epic firefight will determine the fate of the Aurora Legion’s most unforgettable heroes—and maybe the rest of the galaxy as well.


Next, let’s look at some of the things that I didn’t like about Aurora Burning. Just like Aurora Rising, this book was funny, and fast-paced and the amount of character development and added ships made it *perfection*. This book was absolutely amazing and this time around, I only had an issue with one thing. *yay*. (That’s a good thing btw because there is usually something in every book that I have an issue with unless it’s named the Lunar Chronicles and the Paper Girl of Paris). 


And that only issue is I firmly believe the crew, my lovable ragtag group of misfits, had an overreaction when they find out who Kal really is. Like I get it. It’s a big shocker. I mean, I didn’t see it coming, AT ALL. Like they hurt my baby, Kal, and for what? To only love and not hate him again in the next book? Like excuse me? The only reaction I will justify is Tyler’s because his seems like the only realistic one out of all of them. 


Anyway, let’s say goodbye to that negative portion of the review and hello to the mega-fangirl rambling that’s about to go down. 

the good and the 'meh'

Similar to Aurora Rising, there was a lot of humor and it was action-packed. There are also a lot more plot twists that I didn’t see coming as well as some of my many questions left over from the last book were finally answered. And just like the last book, I ran out of my tabs for funny and romantic moments. And boy. . . there was a lot more romance in this book. . . 


Which I am totally here for. A lot of fangirl squealing went down. And more is about to happen by just reviewing my thoughts on the book. 


There was a lot more action in this book which I love. I had an easier time following most of the events which was really nice and a lot of my questions were answered. 


Some parts I feel like were a bit meh but overall, I loved almost all the moments of this book. 


Now, let’s dive into each individual character because all had so much development and I’m so much happier with each character. (They even added a character who has become one of my favorites). 


I freaking adore Tyler and his amazing personality, leadership skills and his relationships with everyone he meets. But, but, what I absolutely love is when the group gets separated and everyone thinks of what Tyler would do in each situation. 

It just goes to show how much the group follows his lead and looks to him for direction. I mean, he is technically in charge of the ragtag group but at this point, he isn’t just leading the group, he is leading his friends. His friends look up to him and he looks to his friends for guidance as well. They all work so well together so when they get split up, it’s nice to see them thinking of the other in times of need. 

Oh and oh the reveal! The freaking reveal had me shocked. I was not expecting that but it really does explain so much about him and his connection with his sister. But, for a moment, can we just talk about his relationship with his sister? Like sibling goals 100%. Their relationship is completely unmatched to any other sibling duo I have read. 


I am all here for her sass and sarcastic comments but also the caring and motherly role she has taken on (*coughs* Does that remind you of anyone? *whispers* Scarlet Benoit. They are both such moms which I love so very much). The only problem I had with her this book was that she had the biggest overreaction to who Kal really is and it ticked me off. There was no reason for it. Like seriously. 

She is the Face, the Diplomat, the Reason and she legit threw that all away. Just tossed it right out the window to let it move through space for eternity. She didn’t even think when she started going after Kal and it just didn’t make any sense to me. 

Anyway, the rest of the book were good moments for her including the part where she gets separated from her brother. . . it was downright heartbreaking. I felt so bad for her and her brother at that moment. It was just. . . why? Why did you have to do that to me? Unfair. 


I think my favorite thing about Finian is his commentary on Earthen stuff because he’s got no clue and it says everything wrong and I just love it so much. What made him even better in this book, though, was that we saw a more gentle and caring side of him. The super cute and sort of awkward moment between Aurora and Finian? It made my heart melt. It was just too adorable and it was so uncalled for coming from Finian that it made the whole thing ten times before. Like see people? Finian does care. 


I. . . Well I think. . . Ummmm. . . I don’t know? Honestly, I didn’t really like her in this book for several reasons. 

Firstly, when she goes to the Echo, her sudden growth and change. . . kind of threw me off? And her being like “I must let everyone go but I don’t want to but I must!” was really annoying. 

Secondly, her reaction to finding out who Kal is? Like bruh. *angry screams* 

Finally, she turned stone cold, ready to give everything up to become who the Echo needs her to be only to later find a way to love him again?????? I just don’t understand. . . it????? I don’t even know anymore. Like what???? I. . . nevermind. . . 


The plot twist with my baby whom I love so very much. . . . I did not see it coming. But, I still love him despite the new known fact about him. Ok, what broke my heart though was hearing his thoughts when he was cast out of the group. It for one) pissed me off because he finally found people he cares about and they hurt him by turning on him? Like you cannot do that to my baby. And two) It really wasn’t fair. 

There was a reason he didn’t say anything and he’s a different person than who his family is but they still judge him based on it? Like no thank you. Absolutely not. And because of it, he goes back to the one person he has spent so long trying to get away from? 

I legit at that moment wanted to slap everyone and knock some sense into them because legit they turn their emotions around and he’s a part of the group again. It’s like it didn’t happen. Like they all just didn’t turn their backs on their friend who they know despite the sudden plot twist. *shakes head* Unbelievable. 


She’s the one I feel like had the most character development in this book which is amazing because we barely had any of her in the last book. I loved hearing about her past and her thoughts since she got more chapters this time around. 

She finally shows that she cares about her friends but then everyone ruins it by banishing Kal. Like after everything, she finally cares again but that just goes completely down the drain. At least she didn’t go back to completely feeling nothing. She still feels. She still feels. 


I don’t want to talk about her at all. This new Cat? Nope. Not doing it. She legit -well, the thing inside her technically did- abused my Tyler. You cannot do that to him. He is also my baby. 


She is such a badass and was really cruel to start out but yesss, she has started to learn and semi-trust and semi-respect Tyler and I. Am. Here. For. It. Their banter is top notch and *fangirl squeals* ship them so hard. 

I am sorry if you ship Tyler and Cat because I don’t. Yes, she is annoying and I didn’t like her for a while but that’s because of who she is. She is born of violence, blood, death and cruelty so naturally, she inherits them. But she is also her mother even though she denies it. 

Her and Tyler have a lot of bonding time and she sees a side of Tyler that everyone else sees and it’s absolutely amazing to see. She also has a lot of character development in the short time we’ve seen her in this book. 

SHIPS (relationships i love... or hate)

Tyler x Cat:

I’m sorry. I did ship it for a while but no. Just no. Not anymore. 

Tyler x Saedii:

YES. This is my favorite ship. I just adore all of their moments together because it’s amazing. Tyler saved her and Saedii now respects Tyler for it. *lots of fangirl squealing* I can’t. It’s just too adorable. 

Finian x Scarlett:

Yes, second favorite ship. But what was really annoying was that they almost kissed for the first time and Finian JUST HAD TO RUIN IT. Like, Finian, bro, you couldn’t just have kept your revelation silent for one more minute???? Like seriously? 

Scarlett x Zila:

What was with these two in this book? It seems like the author’s wanted something more with them but I’m not really sure? All of their moments together were super cute but I personally don’t ship it. Scarlett belongs with Finian 100%. 

Aurora x Kal:

Their relationship moved hella fast this book and honestly, way too fast. Totally TV-MA which I wasn’t expecting especially for a young adult sci-fi book that was totally PG in the first book. I mean, I love them very much and their relationship is adorable but dang, speedy was it. 


Overall, I’d say I liked the first book more because the whole Kal getting kicked out scene really ticked me off which you can tell, obviously, by now. My favorite part though, were the Tyler and Saedii moments. I just love them so very much. I’m going to go reread their moments now. . . 


*waves book*


I’m off to go read. 





P.S Check out more of my reviews on my Instagram page @fanfictionandnovels_