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Artemis Fowl Scene Comparisons between the book and movie

Read all about Artemis Fowl Scene Comparisons!

Comparing scenes between a book and a movie is not a simple thing. In the Artemis Fowl Scene Comparison chart, you’ll notice that nothing directly matches up. 

Although many scenes are similar, the creators of the Artemis Fowl movie took MANY liberties. The movie is actually a combination of two book, the first Artemis Fowl and The Opal Deception. 

Oddly, The Opal Deception is the fourth book in this series. 

Presumable, the movies creators wanted to incorporate a villain (one that is not the 12-year old criminal mastermind). I personally would have been happier if this had been made into a TV series on Disney+. 





In third person, we get a general description of Artemis Fowl

News reporters swarm the fowl manor

Mulch’s interrogation

Young Artemis goes surfing

Artemis in school preview

He talks to the school counselor

Artemis hoverboards home

Introduces father

Mulch describes son and father’s relationship to the interrogator



Continuation of the 3rd person.

 Setting is Ho Chi Minh City in the summer. 

The plot begins: A young Artemis Fowl and his bodyguard, Butler, are on a mission. 

There is intrigue, secrecy, and criminal activity. 

Intro to Artemis’ mom and her mental condition.

Fathers tells Artemis he has to leave

Mulch introduces Dom Butler

News report of manhunt for Artemis Fowl Sr.

Mysterious villain calls Artemis jr.

The basement and relics from another world

As you can see here, the movie makers introduced the characters and plot differently than the book. 

In the movie, Artemis’ dad is a criminal mastermind and businessman who often travels for work. He goes on a trip but is soon considered “missing” and the real villain of the story is revealed. 

How it originally occurred in the book: Artemis Jr and Butler go on a trip to Asia to find a mysterious fairy book. 

In the movie, Artemis does not discover the existence of fairies until several scenes later. 

One of the main consistencies with the book and movie is that a 3rd person is telling the story. In the book, we do not know who this mysterious storyteller is. In the movie, we immediately see that Mulch Diggums is providing us with details of the fantasy adventure. 



Artemis has The Book and attempts to decode it.. 

This chapter gives a quick synopsis on how the Fowls got into a life of crime. 

We see what happened to Artemis Sr, and what Artemis Jr is doing with The Book.

Mulch introduces Haven City, home of fairies

Officer Holly Short walks through Haven City

Mulch is introduced as a criminal, again

Villain recruits a prisoner to infiltrate Fairy Command

The only similarity between Chapter 2 and the next set of movie scenes is that there is character background information. We begin to see a little bit of Holly Short in the movie. And read about Artemis Fowls background. The next chapter will tell us more about Captain Holly Short. 



Holly Short is introduced to the story. 

We also get an introduction to Commander Root (a male) and the LEPrecon Police Department that is Hollys career. 

Holly goes on a mission to take down a Troll in Italy.

Commander Roots (a female) debriefing about the Aculos

Holly Short is taken off the Aculos mission

Mulch tells audience about Juliet Butler

Artemis researches the Aculos and fairies

Mulch introduces Fowly, station commands tech-guy

We learn what happened to the Aculos and how Holly Shorts dad was involved

Butler scouts the tree

Holly and a troll crash a wedding

Time freeze and mind wipe


The Aculos is not an element found in the first Artemis Fowl book. This is where the direction of the movie takes a big leap in another direction. 

Holly Short and Commander Root are the major characters in this Chapter and set of scenes. Although, their intros and specific actions are different. 



Artemis and the Butlers make plans to catch a leprocon to steal his gold. Holly travels to refill her magic. Holly is captured.

Butler scouts the tree

Holly and a troll crash a wedding

Time freeze and mind wipe

Holly abandons mission to clear her fathers name

Hollys father and Artemis’ father worked together

Villian is given a name: Opal Koboi

Artemis and Dom capture Holly at the tree

This might be the one and only time that a chapter and set of scenes line up. 

In the book, Artemis and Butler set up a trap for a fairy. The same happens in the movie. 



Commander Root and Folay set up a rescue mission. Commander Root is tricked.

Commander launches a mission to rescue Holly

Flashback to Artemis SR. teaching Artemis Jr. about fairies hypnosis

Juliet offers Holly food, Artemis talks to Holly

Mulch tell interrogator about the repercussions of capturing a fairy and whats going to happen next



Mrs. Fowl has delusions. Artemis focuses on the plan and tricks Holly. Commander Root and Foaly makes moves.

A storm is coming: aka a time freeze

Fairies storm Fowl manor

Artemis and Dom fight the fairy army

Opal informs Artemis Sr. about his sons actions and why she is taking revenge on humans

Commander Root negotiates with Artemis




Mulch tells his interrogator about Artemis’ plan and Mulch’s role in it

Mulch picks a fight with Goblins in prison, and then he is released

Artemis and Holly have a heart-to-heart and the truth about the Aculos is revealed

Mulch is brought Fowl manor

Mulch and Commander Root negotiate on terms

He …. Digs

Mulch falls into Artemis’s plan and opens the safe

Artemis releases Holly

They find the Aculos




Cudgeon shows his true colors and takes over the mission

Cudgeon brings a troll is brought in to the Fowl manor

Fight with a troll

Dom sacrifices himself for Artemis

Commander Roots captain takes control of mission

Holly gets her magic back

Holly saves Dom

Fairies evacuate Fowl manor

Trippy time freeze action

Artemis’ plan works out perfectly and Holly comes to help


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Opal Koboi tells Artemis Sr whats happening

Holly uses the Aculos and says a spell

Opal Koboi uses her powers on Artemis Sr to freeze him.

Artemis manor and Opal Kobois dungeon connect

Dad – Artemis Sr. is brought back home with the Aculos

Opal Koboi is not happy

Artemis Sr. meets Holly and gives her a list of Opals BLANK




The Aculos is secured in Haven City

Holly is given an important investigative mission

She receives a warm welcome from the other officers

*im pretty sure they use the same music in Titanic when they show a panoramic of Haven City

Reporters outside of Fowl Manor

Artemis sr and jr make a mysterious plan

Artemis jr calls Opal and gloats

Mulch escapes prison with help from the Fowls

The End

Scene Comparisons

Clearly, adapting a book into a movie is not an easy feat. 

For a movie, there needs to be a gripping plot, clear-cut characters, a villain and good guy, a twist, and more. 

Books also need these features, but it can be stretched out among multiple novels. 

I disagree with the decision to combine the first and fourth Artemis Fowl book into one movie. It would have made more sense to have this be a 1 season TV show.

It seemed like the movie makers wanted to have a movie loosly based off a popular book series. The intended audience are young Disney+ viewers. However, the REAL audience is everyone who read Artemis Fowl as a child or young adult. For us, this was a disappointing adaptation. 

Let me know what you think on the Books 4 Movies Instagram page.
