Author L.M. Payson
Hi everyone! I’m L.M. Payson. I am going to tell you about me and how I became an author. I am also going to tell you about one of my books that is releasing soon. It’s been a wild ride, but something I’m thankful for. I wouldn’t change anything about it.
The Start of it all

I’ve always enjoyed reading from a young age. My father used to read Dr. Seuss to me as a little girl. I had the whole collection at one point in time. I was not a fan of getting called on in class to read out loud due to the anxiety of saying words wrong and being laughed at. I was not a strong reader as a young child.
As a kid, I used to write my own stories and poems that I never shared with anyone. It was my way of getting away from the world. But in 2019, I downloaded an app on my phone called Chapters Interactive Stories. I was not a fan of the interactive stories, but I really liked the Taptales, which were stories people made that didn’t involve choosing choices and interacting. When Covid hit in 2020, I had decided to create my own Taptale in the Chapters app. I really loved being able to create a story for others to read and enjoy.
My First Story
My first story I wrote was a hit and has over 34,000 reads. I managed to finish three stories and start a fourth and with all the positive feedback I was getting, I started to think about publishing my books. October of 2022 I made the decision to remove all of my stories and started transferring them over to a word document. Although the transfer process was brutal because each line a character said had a character bubble. I had to rewrite stuff to make it work for a book.
I managed to get everything transferred over to the document so that I could begin to make it the perfect story to publish. I received and continue to receive positive feedback from close friends and family. My husband has been my number one supporter, and continues to support me to this day.
Another supporter of mine is Lauren Moon. You can follow her on Instagram @Heartofanalpha. She happens to also be my PA. Even though we haven’t known each other long, we’ve grown so close. She’s one of my closest friends, especially in the book world. And through her I’ve been able to meet some amazing people.
My inspiration came from some of the indie authors I had encounters with that started on the Chapters app as well. They encouraged me to do it and helped me with the process. Other inspirations is my family. My husband, he has been my rock for the last twelve years. My children, I wanted to show them, that if you want something bad enough, YOU can make it happen. It is okay if you fail the first, second, or even the third time, as long as you keep trying until you succeed. If you want something bad enough, you never give up, no matter how much you want to.
My future goals are to publish at least two books, if not three this year. I would also like to get my name out there so people can know who I am. And continue to engage with my amazing readers through different social media platforms. I’m thankful for the friendships and the relationships I’ve been able to build so far on my journey as an Author.
One of my favorite quotes to live by is “This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up.” – Marilyn Monroe. Through life people are going to make it seem like you have to be perfect. But something that I believe is that you’re going to mess up, and that’s okay.
“A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows she has none.” – Marilyn Monroe. I recently went through a little bump in the road, but the quote helped me get through it. It showed me that even when times get rough that I have no limits. Even the sky is not my limit. That I will succeed even when others will ntry to knock me down. I want to be a role model to my children, to show them that no matter what happens to continue to push towards their dreams.
I currently have my Veterinarian Assistant certificate that I graduated with in 2012. I also have a Bachelor Degree in Science focusing on Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. I have used my four year degree to run our trucking business we had for almost two years. At this time I do not plan on going back to college for anything else.
I have been married to my husband for eleven and a half years. He is a US Army Veteran and served for fifteen years. His last duty station was in Colorado. Instead of moving back to Conway, Massachusetts or Upstate, New York, we decided to stay in Colorado where we have been raising our three beautiful children. One boy who is nine, and two girls that are seven and five. However, I am a mother of four children. I had a miscarriage when I was pregnant with my third July of 2016. I currently homeschool my children and plan on doing so until they graduate. We manage a farm that has four horses, two cows, chickens, ducks, four dogs, and a cat. We call our house the funny farm because there is never a dull moment.
My family is the most important to me. I enjoy being able to set my phone down and give my full attention to my family. I typically leave my weekends free to give that time to my family.
The book that I am publishing is the first in my Dark Mafia Romance called Forever Allies Mafia Series. It is actually going to be a relaunch/republish. New cover, and will be better than ever. The Protectors is about dynamic duo Derek Holmes and Damien Larsen. Both men are in the US Army Special Forces. Both fall in love, get married, and have a family. After getting out of the Army, they decide to run a business together that hires veterans to be bodyguards, but not bodyguards for just anyone, bodyguards to protect families of Mafia leaders. After all the twists and turns in the book, and all heartbreak a decision is made. A decision that will change their life. And open up a whole world that I can show you.
I would love to get to connect with you all more! I hope that you’ll give me a chance! And always remember if you read my (or anyone’s) books to leave a review. It helps us reach other people who may enjoy our work. I have a lot of interesting things up my sleeve, I can’t wait to show you.