Books 4 Movies


Adaptations: Books to Movies and Shows

List of Movies That We Wish We Could Read

LIST OF MOVIES THAT WE WISH WE COULD READ Do you love movies based on books?  One of the best things about reading is that you basically have an extended movie INSIDE your head! Movie adaptations of your favorite stories can be so exciting. Adding great actors, beautiful music, and intense scenes really bring to

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The Chamber of Secrets

THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS READ ALL ABOUT THE SECOND HARRY POTTER: THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS Speaking to snakes? Blood on the walls? Living memory? Harry Potter gets a little more intense in this second installment of the popular series.  CHECK OUT THESE REVIEWS TRIVIA TEST YOUR CHAMBER OF SECRETS KNOWLEDGE HERE. COMING SOON!

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The Sorcerer’s Stone

THE SORCERER’S STONE READ ALL ABOUT THE FIRST HARRY POTTER: THE SORCERER’S STONE Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, also known as The Philosophers Stone, was released in June 1997. Since then, The-Boy-Who-Lived has become a household name. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t at least HEARD about Harry Potter. You might

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Hagrid’s Pockets

Hagrid’s Pockets A completely INCOMPLETE list of everything in HAGRID’S POCKETS! The Harry Potter series has so many magically subtle elements that add to the nostalgia we all feel when we re-read or re-watch our favorites. Hagrid’s pockets were full of items in every one of the Harry Potter movies. Remember how you felt during

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