Horror Author Spotlight: Guy Quintero
Author of A Whisper in the Dark
Who is Guy Quintero?
In a previous article, I mentioned Guy Quintero’s debut novel A Whisper in the Dark as one of my top 10 horror reads of 2022. I am so excited that he has more books on the horizon, including the follow-up to his debut titled, The Cannibal Peaks, releasing January 24th.
As a reader, I am always searching for horror novels that bring new perspectives and diversity to the genre. Guy’s writing does just this with unique, intriguing characters of color who have dimension and importance to the story.
The diversity, however, does not end there, but appears in the different perspectives, abilities, professions, and motivations of each character.
Even the monsters are diverse! Everything comes together naturally and intelligently, and I want more readers to discover the wonderful writing of Guy Quintero.
An Interview With Guy Quintero:
1. What motivated you to become a writer?
I have loved storytelling ever since I was a young boy. Playing Dungeons & Dragons ignited my imagination, sitting with my friends and fabricating adventures with pen, paper, and dice.
There’s an innate urge within all of us among the writing community to entertain and share the worlds we create. I believe this is the greatest unifying factor in bringing together the bookish community.
My first attempt to write a manuscript was at the age of 12. I would say that my love for writing came as a byproduct of my desire for storytelling, later understanding that I needed to practice the craft in order to properly convey my stories to readers.
I came to respect the power of the written word over time.
2. How much of your own life is found in your stories?
I believe in Mark Twain’s adage ‘write what you know’. I think these make for the most vivid and powerful stories. We can do research but it’s never the same as understanding the nuances that escape the initial glance into the worlds correlating around the story.
I incorporate much of my operational experience and knowledge from my military service, to lend an air of authenticity, especially for the action scenes. I believe giving the reader this credible experience helps with the immersion. The USA series is a survival horror journey, delivering a stress-inducing atmosphere, and utilizing those tangibles transforms the words into an experience.
Tom Clancy was a huge inspiration for me as a boy, with his balance of combat applications and how they are interwoven. He was the initial inspiration for my technique. My characters are an amalgamation of people that I have met, served with, and even fought against in my career.
In my travels around the world, I’ve met many personalities with unique voices, and I try my best to convey those in my characters.
3. The first book in your debut series, A Whisper in the Dark, is currently available, and the second book, The Cannibal Peaks, releases on January 24th. Tell us a bit about this series and what we can expect from it in the future.
At this time, the Agency is facing its toughest mission to date. ‘A Whisper in the Dark’ is the catalyst that sets into motion the final war for the fate of humanity.
Dark days are upon us and despite the pyrrhic victories, the Unholy Slaying Agency knows that we as a species are losing. Biblical prophecy has declared that our great foes shall return to reclaim the world that was lost during the flood.
They have gathered their strength in secret, wiping-out lines of powerful and benevolent psychics, witches, and magicians after infiltrating the church; rising in seats of authority within our governments, siphoning resources, ethereally terraforming our planet, and dividing humanity.
Cryptid and supernatural sightings are at an all-time high, the terrors of the unseeable regions are no longer hiding from us. To make matters worse the shadow government’s militant arm (known as MSI) is rumored to be mobilizing against the Agency. Intelligence suspects a force-on-force conflict will be inevitable, leading to a clandestine civil war.
I ask all agents (readers) to remain vigilant during these dark times ahead.
4. Edjewale Is such a dynamic character. What was the inspiration behind his development?
Edjewale is an inversion of myself. I wanted to create a dynamic black antagonist who was cerebral in his alien methodologies, outpacing the Agency using intellect over physical prowess. Although, he does possess the latter.
I brought a lot of my familial roots to the forefront for this character, wanting him different from the portrayals we normally see in the media of black characters.
The goal was to make a character that the reader was completely unfamiliar with, for a new experience in horror.
5. Something I enjoy about your writing is your incorporation of theories and science behind supernatural beings and events. What triggered this interest and how do you gather information for your books?
My interest in the occult and supernatural was brought on by a horrific event in my childhood. The events are captured in my short story ‘The Black Eyes’ posted on my Instagram. It took me months to shake off that encounter, before getting the courage to pursue it the only way I could, by researching the paranormal.
My studies took me down a lifelong rabbit hole of forbidden knowledge and taboo subjects that most would find archaic and unreal.
When properly applied, I believe that science is capable of giving us an understanding of the mystical. It is simply perceived as such due to not understanding the inner mechanisms. After studying physics and biology in college, I came to the understanding that energy and frequency are the basis for our universe.
I’ve always had a curious mind. As a boy, I was accused of being an “old man” when wanting to discuss such matters. Now, I try to incorporate them into my work as intellectual expressions for my readers to ponder.
6. Now for a change of pace…tell us about your beautiful cat.
Nina is my therapy cat. I rescued her from a local shelter fifteen years ago.
Funny story about her is that she was the ugly kitten that no one wanted. I walked into the shelter looking for a kitten because my career required me to be gone most of the day. Cats are very independent creatures as long as you can provide them with the necessities. Nina was the quintessential ugly duckling.
No one gave her a second look with her giant ears, lanky frame, big yellow eyes, and RBF. She quickly became my sidekick in my writing adventures and eventually grew into a little beauty.
Nina is exceptionally intelligent for a cat. I have to watch what I do around her because she learns how to exploit things. I wasn’t expecting her to grow on me so much, but now I love her like a daughter.
7. What is your favorite color?
Black. Something about that color always attracts me.

8. What is your favorite horror movie?
That’s a very tough question and to be honest the answer is always changing due to my mood. Right now, I’d have to say it’s Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight.
The elements of survival horror inspired me greatly as a boy when I first saw it. There are many surprises that catch first-time viewers off guard. I think those are the best stories, when you’re empathically invested in the welfare of those enduring the terror.
A horror writer’s primary goal is to solicit a stress response from their reader, by preying upon their empathy and imagination with vivid prose.

9. What horror book would you love to see as a film and why?
Candace Nola’s ‘Bishop’. Candace has a wicked imagination and sharp intellect, with top-notch prose. I think Bishop could easily translate into a movie that would deliver a new type of horror for the audience.
One that is needed in a market saturated with remakes and sequels rehashing the same stories.
10. Anything else you would like us to know?
I am thankful to the Facebook and bookstagram community for all the love and support they have shown.
My successful debut couldn’t have been done without so many people showing love and sharing my work. Being a rookie in the industry, I was not expecting such a welcome. With that said, I am still in need of reviews.
My reviews on Amazon and B&N do not reflect my sales. So, I ask my agents out there who have read ‘A Whisper in the Dark’ to please leave a review when you have time. It greatly helps authors.

11. Where can our readers find you? (FB, Insta, etc.)
I can be found on Facebook and Instagram @GuyQuintero. Those are my main platforms for reaching me.
For those seeking to join the Agency sign up for The Hunter’s Gazette, my quarterly newsletter at GuyQuintero.com.