B: Hello and welcome to author talks I am Bri from BriTheBookishBoss and I’m here tonight with Kevin Cox who is the author of Bewilderness thank you so much for joining me tonight I really do appreciate it.
K: Thanks for having me.
B: Um, I’m just going to get right into it and what is something your readers should know about you?
K: Um, well I don’t know um, I’m just I’m pretty; pretty new to writing it’s not something I really decided to do until pretty recently so um, I guess you know you never know what you’ll end up doing sometimes when you give it a try but um, said but but I’ve kind of thought about doing but never really thought I I’d be able to so I never really you know it wouldn’t like anything I aspired to do but but um, I decided to try sometime to see if I can write a chapter and I ended up really enjoying it so I ended up finishing the whole book you know.
B: Um, that’s actually really great. What was your inspiration behind Bewilderness?
K: A lot of things really I mean I mean it probably comes from you know a lot of things you know a lot of different influences whatever we’re going to from going up or whatever like that you know I grew up like during the eighties when there was a lot of fantasy um, movies coming out you know a lot of great books at that time too you know but you know stuff from like The Chronicles of Narnia, um you know The Hobbit and then like movies like Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal, The Neverending Story there’s probably like a ton of things, even stuff like Star Wars um, I guess all those influences kind of combined you know to you know gave me some ideas of the concept anyways. But I, I don’t know if that answers your question really.
B: Yeah it does, you drew your inspiration from back in the day and even more so now um, your book actually the world building actually reminded me of Sarah J Maas’s world building with her books because she really goes into details with how her world comes to comes together so that’s what I got from reading Bewilderness was all the world building so I really felt like I could see where she was in each of the in each of the worlds that she went to.
K: Yeah, that’s well to me that’s the most fun part of writing is is the world building so yeah that’s the thing I focus on the most that I think.
B: I absolutely loved it. I felt like I could actually see the world, so I absolutely enjoyed it.
K: Oh well thank you, I appreciate that you um, appreciated that.
B: Um, what is what can your readers expect from reading Bewilderness?
K: um, well i thinks well it’s not a fast paced story probably Like like a lot of the novels are now I guess for the most part is it’s more of a slow kind of um, I mean I don’t want to say like slow-paced is bad thing necessarily well of course but um, I mean that kind of um, you know like I said I try and make it detailed like I want personally I like books that they really have a lot of description and and the reader can picture what everything looks like so that’s why I tried to do with this and and of course the more description you add the more it slows the pace down a bit but but you know that’s what I know so I’m sure not everybody would agree with that but.
B: No it definitely starts out slow with all the world building which I love I love a good slow building up to the world so I definitely enjoy that aspect of the slow building aspect of the books so that is definitely a plus because I want to be able to go through the world and see every detail that you envision for that so slow building is definitely a good thing if readers enjoy it and I’m one of those readers who enjoy the slow building of the world so this was definitely a good book for me to read.
K: That’s good.
B: Um, what is one piece of advice you would give to an inspiring writer?
K: Um, well it’s probably you know like anything else you know practice, um, just yeah you got actually you know put some words on well not paper necessarily well depending on how you write but um, just actually start writing something you know um, and keep doing it um, you know it just like you know like i said with everything else practice makes perfect so um, the more you do it you know the better you get.
B: Okay, um, where can your readers find your books? I know Bewilderness is on Amazon.
K: Right, yeah right now that’s the only place that you can get the eBook and the paper back on there’s a there’s a hardback that sold other other places um, I think like on the Barnes and Noble website even the Walmart website um, and I might I’m not sure like everywhere um, it’s distributed to but the hardback is the only one widely distributed right now um, like i said at the moment it’s available on Kindle Unlimited which means I have to keep the e-book exclusive to Amazon of course so um, I’m trying so I may change that in the future one day it depending on how things go but um, but yeah. But um, the paperback and e-book are only on Amazon at the moment.
B: Okay, is there anything else that you’d like to share with our audience about your book or possibly anything new happening with you soon?
K: Well um, I’m getting ready to come out with a third book in the series um, it’s just about done I wish I had to release date you know right now to give but um, there’s a few things that has to happen before I can really have a solid you know publishing date but but I’m hoping for um, sometime in May you know um, if I’ll be able to release that, if not May than June.
B: That’s exciting. Can you give us a little insight into your third book without giving too much away?
K: Well um, If well it doesn’t really well if you read the second book um, it’s kind of a continuation of a part of a story in the second book where there’s a character named Maladora that um, kind of gives her continuation of that story on it where um, where she goes into the same um, where she goes in the same whereas in Bewilderness like Ambrielle goes into The Hollow for a little bit but but in this story you know um the character Maladora goes into that same world but for much longer duration so it kind of explores you know that environment or realm or whatever and kind of gives it a lot deeper background and and what’s all going on there um, but there’s a couple of characters to that’ll relate back to the first book as well but um I don’t want to get into that too much.
B: No that that sounds great well I definitely love this book and I will definitely be getting the second and third once it releases cause I just got lost in your world so I definitely love books that do that to me i lose track of time so it’s a really bad habit i have but I love it.
K: Thank you.
B: Um, that was all I had for you tonight um, I want to thank you again for joining me I really do appreciate it.
K: Uh, yeah anytime, thanks for having me.
B: Yeah, of course um, that is all so until next time thank you and I hope you have a great night.
K: Thanks, you too.