Books 4 Movies



Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy, True Blood

TOP 4 VAMPIRE BOOK ADAPTATIONS… Check out the best vampire books to movie/show adaptations EVER. Yes, Twilight is on the list. Not only did it change the way publishers and film production studios worked together, but it is also the book that got me to love reading! 

The Top 4 Vampire-themed stories in Books, Movies, and Shows that you have to watch now

Number 4 on the list of Top 4 Vampire Book Adaptations is True Blood. True Blood is not for youths! 

This story follows the life of a small-town waitress named Sookie who happens to be a little telepathic. She meets Bill, a gentleman and a vampire, and she quickly gets sucked up (pun intended) into his dark world. 

Throughout 7 seasons, A LOT happens. Sometimes it seems like the show’s creators were struggling to come up with new and original ideas. Some scenes came out very interesting, and even had me crying, while other scenes were just too cheesy. 

Fair warning: The “happily-ever-after” in the book and the show are not the same! So, don’t watch this show after reading the books expecting to see a tried-and-true scene-to-scene adaptation. 

* Click HERE to read True Blood on Amazon

Perhaps one of the most original vampire stories, Vampire Academy doesn’t portray any regular ol’ vamps. There are actually three levels of vampires – the Dhampirs, the Moroi, and the Strigoi. Funny names, I know, but they are titles rooted in real mythology. The stories of these three types of vampires are captivating, original, and dramatic. 

Rose, a dhampir, is in school training to be the guardian for her best friend Lisa, who is a Moroi. But they are not just regular besties. They are bonded together in a way that very few others are. You see, in this world, all of the Moroi have powers based on an element – Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Lisa does not fit into any of these elements. Her gift is incredibly rare … she controls Spirit. 

When Rose died in a car accident, Lisa (unknowingly) used her powers to bring Rose back to life, which created a sacred bond between them. Unfortunately, a lot of people either don’t know what Spirit is, or they know about it and want to use Lisa’s gifts for their own evil use. Throughout the series, Lisa and Rose must battle against classmates, family, the Strigoi, and forbidden love.

This wouldn’t be an epic vampire tale without some complicated romance. Rose is in love with her teacher, who is a few years older, and she continues to love him even after he… well, I won’t spoil that for you. Lisa falls in love with the emo, anti-social boy of the school who everyone tries to steer her away from. 

It is dramatic, heart-breaking, beautiful, and honestly not even that cheesy (even for a vampire story).

Now, the movie and TV show… that’s a conversation we will have another time. 

* Click HERE to read Vampire Academy on Amazon

The Vampire Diaries gained popularity around the same time that Twilight did. Some of the main themes that remain consistent through both stories include:

  • Human teen girl and vampire stuck as a teenager fall in love
  • Love triangle
  • Outside forces try to destroy the human
  • The break-up and get back together 
The Vampire Diaries is a TV Series with 8 seasons, which follows the storyline set up throughout 9 books. Elena is a high school girl who recently had her world flipped upside down when her parents died in a car crash. Left alone with her younger brother and aunt, she struggles to fit back into school and her relationships. When a new kid, Stephen, enrolls in school, Elena turns away from her old life and toward the new, dark, and exciting life that he offers. 

Like any good romance story, their relationship is tested… several times, in fact. SPOILER: The two eventually break up. I won’t tell you what caused it, but the event is, in my opinion, the best thing to happen throughout all 8 seasons. 
What is even more incredible is that Elena falls for Stephens’s older brother, Damon. He is handsome, morally grey, kind of pushy, and emotionally broken… but perfect for Elena. Their version of happily-ever-after is definitely one-of-a-kind. 

* Click HERE to read the first Vampire Diaries book on Amazon

It wouldn’t be a great vampire list if Twilight is not included. This popular book-to-movie adaptation is #1 because it has been trending since the first book came out almost TWO decades ago. That is a long time for a cringy fantasy series to have such a loyal fan base. 

For those of you who don’t know, Twilight is about a teenage girl, Bella, who moves away from home to join her bachelor father in a small and rainy town in the state of Washington. She is awkward and anti-social but makes friends easily in her new school. Bella becomes instantly fascinated with the Cullen family, especially Edward. Not only is she drawn to him, but he seems to be just as drawn to her. Throughout the first few chapters of the book, he pushes her away, but inevitably falls just as hard for her as she has fallen for him. 

The fact that he is a vampire doesn’t bother Bella, and she is determined to stay with him as long as he will have her. Their relationship progresses, but so does a dangerous force. A small vampire clan is wreaking havoc in Forks, and Bella ends up in the middle of their destruction. 

Since this book and movie have been out for over a decade, I think it’s safe to say that any more information that I write for you shouldn’t be considered a spoiler. But, just in case you are 1 of the 5 people in the world that has not yet seen or read Twilight, I will withhold the juicy details. More awesome Twilight blogs are below. Check them out now – you’ll find info on the Forks Twilight Festival as well as quotes, reviews, and analysis or the other books and movies in the popular vampire series. 

Twilight deserves to be #1 on the list of Top 4 Vampire Book Adaptations. 

* Click HERE to read Twilight on Amazon


Who doesn’t love a good vampire story? These Top 4 Vampire book adaptations will have you craving more dark romances with morally grey characters.

Want to know what all of these books have in common? ALL of the female protagonists are human or “normal” and the strong male love interest brings out their powerful side. 

I would love to see that story in reverse – where the woman is dark and powerful and morally grey and she corrupts the human male love interest and helps him step into his power. (Sigh)… If only. 

Click the Book Depository banner below to check out more great vampire stories!