Books 4 Movies

bri the bookish boss

What is a Beta Reader


In the bookish community there are different areas in which every reader can be an expert in. This includes being a beta reader. A beta reader is a test reader of an unreleased book, they provide feedback from the point of view of an average reader of the author.

Why are Beta Readers Important

Beta readers are part of the writing process in the way most of us wish we could be. We all get envious when we see that there are readers already reading our favorite book and ask ourselves how we can become them. Beta readers are important because they help the author identify the strengths, weaknesses, plot holes, inconsistencies, and anachronisms in the book. The sole purpose of beta readers is to make sure that the author’s book is ready to go into the next stages of editing.

How To Become a Beta Reader

I have found in all my research the 3 best ways of becoming a better experienced beta reader.

1. Join an online writer’s community

2. Take a writing class

3. Reach out to authors you love

Join an Online Writer’s Community

One of the best ways to become an experienced beta reader is by joining an online writer community. These types of online communities bring together all types of people. They bring out all types of writers from different genres, different styles of writing, lifestyles, perspectives, and skill sets. The people that are normally in these kinds of groups are experienced writers. Writers are always looking for ways to improve their skills so they will join groups like these to get opinions from other writers or even beta readers.

Three writing communities that I found are:

1. Writing Forums

2. Mythic Scribes

3. She Writes

Writing Forums is best known for writers who want to improve their writing skills. They even create contests that motivate and build your skill levels. Knowing there is a writing community that is for improving your writing skills sounds like a community that I need to investigate personally.


Mythic Scribes is best known for fantasy authors. I am a huge fantasy fanatic. I love that there is a community full of other fantasy authors and writers out there that I could reach too. In this community you’ll be able to discuss all aspects of your legendary world.


She writes is based around self-published female authors looking for business tips. This club is best if female authors want to develop a professional network or advice. She writes is not only for women but for anyone whose looking for business tips.

Take a Writing Class

Another way to become a better experienced beta reader is by looking in your area for a writer’s course. Many colleges offer courses specifically for writing, you can even see if you can sign up for an online writing class that is conducted over zoom. It gives you a chance to become a stronger writer and to learn the different styles of writing. There’s always room for improvement when it comes to writing, even the most experienced writer still needs to find ways to improve. I wanted to know what the top 3 sought after courses were and after a lot of researching, I found them.

1. Coursera

2. Udemy- The Secret Sauce of Great Writing

3. Masterclass: Shonda Rhimes teaching Writing for Television

Coursera, more specifically the Creative Writing course, consists of 5 courses that focus on three genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. Within these genres you will learn how to create characters, settings, writing descriptions, developing your style, and by the end of the course you will have a completed story, essay, or memoir.


Udemy is the second course I found, and they have a writing course called The Secret Sauce of Great Writing taught by Shani Raja. The course specifically focuses on what Raja believes are the four ingredients of writing: simplicity, clarity, elegance, and evocativeness. It has been said that using these four ingredients will take your writing from mundane to inspiring.


Lastly, Masterclass is known to have celebrities teach classes. Their most popular class is taught by Shonda Rhimes. She teaches writing for television. In her 30 lessons she teaches how to create a compelling character, script structure, and writing authentic dialogue.

Reach Out to Authors You Love

I always say it doesn’t hurt to reach out and ask. It may seem nerve wrecking to reach out to your favorite author in the bookish world but what better way than to just do it. For the most part Indie authors who are not as well-known will be more inclined to bring you on as a beta reader. Because it not only helps them, but it gives you the opportunity to put your services to use. You may be surprised so never doubt!

Advantages of Becoming a Beta Reader

1. Improve Writing

2. Make New Connections

3. Find Inspiration


Being a Beta Reader is such a fun and rewarding experience. You actually get to help create stories that will be read by hundreds of people. You get a say in what the main character does, on what cheesy lines the love interest says, on how impactful the ending is. You aren’t just helping the author edit their book, you are helping a talented writer share their story with the world in a way that everyone can enjoy. 

Plus, many beta readers end up becoming writers themselves. Practicing as a beta reader leads to inspiration, higher writing skills, and maybe even motivation to help you complete your own story. 


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