Books 4 Movies

bri the bookish boss

What is ARC?


If you’re new to the world of reading, then you have probably seen posts written by ARC readers. But you’re probably wondering what ARC is? I’m going to break it down for you and explain the necessity surrounding ARC readers.


what is arc? books4movies creators hub bri the bookish boss

Advanced Reader Copy or ARC is normally an unproofed, completed electronic or physical copy of a book sent by a publishing company, author or a PR company to a reader so that they can read, review, and hype the book up before the book is released to the public.

Why are ARC Readers Important?

The reason why ARC readers are so important in the bookish world is because they are the first to read a book that is going to be published. They help not only the author, but the publishing company generate hype behind the book. It also helps the author and the publishing company prepare for negative reviews before the book is published. 

Another perk: the authors and/or publishers have the opportunity to change the focus of their marketing strategy, depending on what the ARC Team has to say.

What are some requirements for posting reviews

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When you are an ARC reader, you are asked to post an honest review of the book that was sent to you. Even if it’s a negative review. 

Another requirement that many authors and publishers enforce is that you share the links to your reviews with the author or publisher. For instance, if you post your review on your Instagram, Goodreads, or even Amazon, you will be asked to send your links for all of those platforms to whoever is managing the ARC Team. 

Personal Experience as an ARC Reader

I had the opportunity to be an ARC reader for Order of the Bookish. As a reader, I am given an electronic copy of a book in exchange for my honest review of the book. When I post a review on Instagram, I always tag the author as well as the company. It not only helps generate buzz for the author, but it helps the publishing company attain new ARC readers and authors.

I absolutely love being an ARC reader because I get to share my love for reading with my audience and with other ARC readers. Not only do I build relationships with authors, but I also make new friends in the bookish community. 

The best way to show authors and publishing companies that you are available to read ARCs is to put it in your social media profile. I’ve also learned to create highlights so that anyone who visits your profile can check your highlights to see what ARCs you have read and reviewed.

Order of the Bookish

Order Of The Bookish is the best ARC and Hype Team Program for readers AND authors! Why? Well, we are organized, laid-back, and always have a variety of genres available for readers to choose from! We aren’t just an average program; we are a team of readers who love to support new and indie authors every day! 

For authors, we do a FULL MARKETING CAMPAIGN to help you hype up your book! Your book will get reviews and hype posts spread out over a variety of platforms for the most optimal reach – among other cool perks!

Authors: Send us a message for more info. We have a limited number of spots open for the rest of 2023. 

If your book is coming out soon or needs some re-vamping to get more book sales, then our program is for you! 


Send a DM to @orderofthebookish on Instagram for more details about the team and how you can join today.

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Thrown to the wolves by her father, Lady Lydia Clifton faces a forced marriage and all the brutality that comes with the Earl of Basingstoke. 

She must flee, and has only one way out of England: disguise herself as Martha Dale, mistress to the Romany king.

Lydia knows her brother Wil became estranged from their family and all of English aristocracy because he fell in love with a Romany woman. That makes this white lie more potent, as it offers the kind of protection that just might keep her safe.

Despite her reputation being in tatters, all Lydia needs to do is to make it to France, and into the care of her oldest brother, Roger.

King Valkin Brishen is fully aware lies and subterfuge can and has brought harm to his people, yet when his men find a lovely English maid on the run who claims to be his mistress, anger battles with more than curiosity over exactly why this English rose is fleeing with such haste.

Her flight speaks of courage, but her deceit could put his people in peril.

And more, he wonders if it’s worth the risk to his heart if he takes her under his protection.