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You Do Not yield Booktalk


Welcome to the page of everything Fantasy & Paranormal Romance! I’m so glad you came across my page and I do pray you stick around. Here at YDNY BookTalk, I talk with newly published and indie authors about their novels. I personally read their content, give an honest review, and interview the authors. (I do offer a transcribed interview for anyone wanting that option.) Stay tuned for weekly updates!



 Bethany is 22 years old trapped with an old soul that refuses to pay rent. You’ll usually find her stuck in a good book, staring off into space, or singing and dancing theatrically in public. 

Presently, Bethany lives in a cottage with her husband, along with their Belgian Malinois, Luke, and two Holland Lops, Theon and Jon Snow. Together, they live simplistically on their little, growing homestead: growing fresh veggies in their garden, free-ranging their chickens for eggs, and keeping bunnies for free fertilizer. With no internet or much living space for comforts like a couch and TV, they are forced to become more creative with their free time. Most of that time consists of cuddling up with a good book, taking their dog for a walk, and playing, singing, or listening to music. 

Her husband is the main provider for the household, but Beth helps by housecleaning and blogging on the side for extra income. Bethany and her husband volunteer at their local church on the Praise and Worship team, she leads worship vocally while he plays bass. Beth grew up off the coast of Virginia near the York River with her family. With her older brother and younger sister, they often would rock out on Rock Band on PS2 playing guitar, bass, drums, and would pass the microphone around, go on family road trips singing along to Old School Rock N’ Roll music, riding their bikes up and down their neighborhood until their legs felt like jelly, and jumping in the pool near dusk and drying off on the porch slurping and sucking down their favorite banana popsicles. 

Beth was raised up in church and followed her mom’s footsteps in music. Her mom taught her how to play her first instrument, and soon began playing rhythm guitar on the praise and worship band. Later, she volunteered as a Junior Leader to help out the kids’ ministry; whether it was passing out animal crackers and apple juice or doing puppet skits, Beth has always enjoyed being involved in her church and giving back to her community.

Going to the library has always been a treat for Bethany, she becomes Alice exploring Wonderland for the first time but, ironically, she never enjoyed reading until later in her middle school years. 

In the 8th grade, her English teacher assigned a reading log for homework, meaning she had to find a book to read. Her English teacher would take the class to the school library at the end of every week to either pick out a new book, renew, or drop off old books. As Beth scanned shelves and picked up book after book, something had caught her eye. 

She ended up checking out The Angel Experiment by James Patterson, a young adult sci-fi and fantasy novel. What she did not know that day was how much the right book could change and influence your life! Maximum Ride introduced Beth to a new world of reading and it opened the door to the book lover we see today! 

In High School, Bethany was involved in sports and music programs. She ran cross-country and track & field as part of the Varsity team and played basketball on the JV team. Also, Beth played the flute in band and sang as a soprano in her school choir. 

Some of her greatest school achievements: running a 5K in 22 minutes and being chosen, after auditioning, to sing with the Selected Sopranos, a separate group of the choir made specifically for soprano vocal-ranged women. Nature, music, and books are Bethany’s biggest passions and outlets. Whenever she needs to escape from the chaos of this world, she is either running outside to her garden, to her piano and guitar, or to her nearest comfort read. Nature represents life; the various colors, unique shapes, and wondrous textures of all life brings her a kind of beauty that gives her spiritual peace. Music represents emotion; when she needs to release and be able to put words to her erratic emotions, singing while pressing the keys or strumming the strings allow her to be able to free herself from the wrath of emotions. Books represent comfort; opening the mind to a world where Beth can imagine slaying the beasts terrorizing her kingdom, where she is the hero and has great power.

Reading stages Bethany into a new world that isn’t her own, forcing her to forget daily responsibilities and worries. These passions become a kind of therapy outlet for when she needs comfort, peace, a release, or free herself from the confines of this world.


Bethany has “a work in progress” book that she intends to be a series. She’s been beautifully crafting what a world would look like 300 years after a nuclear war, being inhabited by only animals; wolves being the top of the food chain. Humans were killed off between the 300 years of war and the effects of war: radiation, famine, plaque, and cruelty. Her main focus is how the wolves inhabit and make Earth their holy domain. It follows the main character, Aura, and her journey; being left to starve by her mother and being found and raised by a wolf who can’t bear pups. Aura wields a great power gifted by their gods that hold the key to the future of not only her pack but the whole world. Beth’s goal is to figure out how to perfectly balance the Sci-Fi and Fantasy worlds in her series and it is way harder than she anticipated, knowing which questions need to be answered and when to leave it to the readers’ imagination. As far as she knows, there is no date set for when the book will be released or published.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know the writer on the other side of the screen!